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Document Number: 215

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A. Upload a file

1.Upload a file
- How do I upload a file?
-- Click on Upload a file under Utilities. At the top of the page is a list of the types of files we can upload. Below is a field reading, “file”, with Browse next to it. Type in that field the path for the file or click browse and find it.
2. Why wont my file upload?
- If your file won’t upload it may be the wrong type of file.
3. How do I upload an image?
- You may either go to Image list, under Editing Tools, and then click on upload an image, or go through the same process in Upload A File under Utilities.
4. How do I delete the file I have uploaded
- At the bottom of the Upload A File page is a box entitled Files on Server. This is a list of uploaded files. Select the one you want to delete and click the delete button at the bottom of the page.
5. Can I edit the file I have uploaded
No. You will need to edit the file on your computer, and then upload it again.