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Document Number: 282

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a. Page Theme

Select your page theme from the list. If a preview of it is a available, it will update the thumbnail on the right.
a> Select the theme from the dropdown box.
b> Can I change the theme later if I don’t like it?
1. Yes, you can change the theme anytime you are in the BBF Data Entry Stage. You can also change your theme anytime after the store has been turned over to you.
2. Remember changing the theme will erase the colors you have selected in Page Colors.
c> Can I change the colors of the theme?
1. You can change the background color of the Theme, but the Foreground color cannot be changed?
d> I like a particular theme but can I move the search box to the other side of the page?
1. This is a Template theme, meaning the links, search boxes, etc. cannot be moved.
e> If I choose one of the themes displayed will my site look like that?
The colors are preset by the theme. You can change the background colors if you do not like the preset colors.