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3. Email/URL Settings

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1. Can I send a specific continue URL for each cart button?
2. Default URL

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Continue Shopping URL For Receipt

Normally the shopping cart will auto-detect the URL for continue shopping. However this feature allows you to forward the customer to the specified URL when the Continue Shopping button on the receipt page is pressed. Simply enter the URL you want the customer to be forwarded to.

If left blank the shopping cart will auto-detect according to your Continue Shopping URL settings.

Note: You can override this option by adding the following into ANY shopping cart button:
<input type="hidden" name="ContinueShoppingURLReceipt" value="URL">

Where URL is the URL that you would like your customers sent to.

An example of a URL in use would be
  1. The shopper goes to page "A" on your website and clicks a cart button (which has a ContinueShoppingURL set for page "B")
  2. Normally, HTML Manager would set the Continue URL to page "A". However, since the ContinueShoppingURL exists it is set to page "B" instead.
"IGNORE" is a special values that will tell the shopping cart to skip detection of a new continue url and use the old stored one instead, if any.
"CLOSE" is a special value that will tell the shopping cart to attempt to close the window, rather then sending them to a URL.

To do this you would add one of these lines to any cart button:

<input type=hidden name=ContinueShoppingURL value="IGNORE">
<input type=hidden name=ContinueShoppingURL value="CLOSE">

An example of IGNORE in use would be
  1. The shopper goes to page "A" on your website and clicks a cart button
  2. HTML Manager sets the Continue URL to page "A"
  3. The shopper goes back to your website and navigates to page "B" (which has IGNORE in use) and clicks a cart button
  4. Normally the cart would set page "B" as the new Continue URL, however since it is using IGNORE the shopping cart maintains the old "A" page instead.