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What does each letter in the AVS match code stand for?

First the AVS code is given to the shopping cart by your gateway. AVS stands for Address Verification System. If you see letters other than the ones explained here. You will need to contact your Gateway for the exact definition.

Here is what each letter means:
Y=Yes, N=No

The first character checks the ADDRESS & ZIP. The second character checks the validity of the ADDRESS only, and the third character checks the validity of the ZIP CODE only.

Here are a few AVS match code examples
YYY=Address and Zip Matched, Address Matched, Zip Matched.
NYN=Either Address or Zip did not Match, Address Matched, Zip did not Match
NNY=Either Address or Zip did not Match, Address did not Match, Zip did Match.

If your AVS codes do not match this pattern please contact your payment processor for information on their AVS matching codes.